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  1. Block for chart 1811.4 - NtM 155/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 16-05-2024

  2. HP2B - List of Lights of the Netherlands part of the Caribbean Sea

    The list of lights provides an overview of coastal lights and fog signals.

    Publication | 01-05-2024

  3. Amendment MilAIP 06/24 valid 13 June 2024

    Amendment MilAIP 06/24 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 23-04-2024

  4. Download List of Depths

    Summary of the most recent water depths for a large number of navigable channels in the Wadden Sea area.

    Publication | 11-04-2024

  5. Division of the Netherlands continental shelf

    The Dutch continental shelf is divided into a grid of numbered blocks. These blocks are references for granting concessions for ...

    Application | 11-04-2024

  6. Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) Netherlands

    The zipfile contains the boundaries of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) the Wadden Sea. In 2002, the International ...

    Application | 11-04-2024

  7. Coastal waters according to the Water Framework Directive

    The zipfile contains the boundaries of the Coastal Waters according to the Water Framework Directive. This Directive specifies a ...

    Application | 11-04-2024

  8. Zones under the Common Fisheries Policy

    The zipfile contains the boundaries of the Zones under the Common Fisheries Policy of the North Sea. They concern the zones from ...

    Application | 11-04-2024

  9. Territorial sea

    The zipfile contains the boundaries of the so-called Territorial sea (or Territorial zone) of the Netherlands. It concerns the ...

    Application | 11-04-2024

  10. Exclusive economic zone

    The zipfile ‘Exclusive economic zone’ contains the boundaries of the so-called exclusive economic zone of the Netherlands. It ...

    Application | 11-04-2024