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  1. Amendment MilAIP 08/23, valid 10 August 2023

    Amendment MilAIP 08/23 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 27-06-2023

  2. Ministerial Statement Joint Expeditionary Force

    Ministerial Statement of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) ministerial meeting  that took place on June 13, 2023 at the ...

    Publication | 13-06-2023

  3. Block for chart 1801.5 - NtM 173/23

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 08-06-2023

  4. Block for chart 1801.5 A - NtM 173/23

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 08-06-2023

  5. Block for chart 1037 - NtM 168/23

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 08-06-2023

  6. Amendment MilAIP 07/23, valid 13 July 2023

    Amendment MilAIP 07/23 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 23-05-2023

  7. Acceptable Means of Compliance to MAR-OPS X.1160 (b)

    The Netherlands Military Aviation Regulations for Acceptable Means of Compliance to MAR-OPS X.1160 (b).

    Publication | 26-04-2023

  8. Amendment MilAIP 06/23, valid 15 June 2023

    Amendment MilAIP 06/23 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 25-04-2023

  9. CV Commander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force

    Lieutenant General André Steur was born on 17 April 1970 in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. He started his military career in 1988 with a ...

    Publication | 14-04-2023

  10. Amendment MilAIP 05/23, valid 18 May 2023

    Amendment MilAIP 05/23 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 04-04-2023