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  1. NLD-MAR Form-4, Qualifications Management Personnel

    Publication | 24-07-2024

  2. HP2A - List of Lights of the Netherlands and adjacent areas

    The List of Lights provides an overview of coastal lights and fog signals, including separate chapters about AIS-beacons and ...

    Publication | 11-07-2024

  3. Amendment MilAIP 08/24 valid 8 August 2024

    Amendment MilAIP 08/24 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 03-07-2024

  4. Block for chart 1631 - NtM 194/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 13-06-2024

  5. Block for chart 1812.8 - NtM 184/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 06-06-2024

  6. Block for chart 1820.5 - NtM 170/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 30-05-2024

  7. Block for chart 1820.3 - NtM 162/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 23-05-2024

  8. Amendment MilAIP 07/24 valid 11 July 2024

    Amendment MilAIP 07/24 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 23-05-2024

  9. Block for chart 1820.5 - NtM 152/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 16-05-2024

  10. Block for chart 1820.4 - NtM 152/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 16-05-2024