Downloads - Royal Netherlands Air Force

71 downloads of Royal Netherlands Air Force

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  1. NLD-MAD-20

    Netherlands – Military Aviation Document. Guidance on how to use EASA AMC-20 and EDA EMAD-20 within the NLD-MAS.

    Publication | 06-11-2024

  2. NLD-SMAR-1 AMC & GM

    NLD-SMAR-1 AMC & GM: Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Occurrence and Hazard Reporting.

    Publication | 24-01-2024

  3. NLD-SMAR-1

    NLD-SMAR-1: The Netherlands Special Military Aviation Regulations for Occurrence and Hazard Reporting.

    Publication | 24-01-2024


    NLD-SMAR-FDSE: The Netherlands Special Military Aviation Regulations for Flying Displays and Special Events.

    Publication | 11-01-2024


    NLD-MAR-ADR AMC & GM: requirements for Military Aerodromes Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material.

    Publication | 10-01-2024


    NLD-MAR-ADR CS-ADR-DSN: certification specifications for Military Aerodrome Design.

    Publication | 10-01-2024


    NLD-MAR-ADR: requirements for Military Aerodromes.

    Publication | 10-01-2024

  8. Starting point

    In this brochure Lieutenant General Steur writes his plans for the Royal Netherlands Air Force for the coming years.

    Publication | 11-09-2023

  9. Acceptable Means of Compliance to MAR-OPS X.1160 (b)

    The Netherlands Military Aviation Regulations for Acceptable Means of Compliance to MAR-OPS X.1160 (b).

    Publication | 26-04-2023

  10. CV Commander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force

    Lieutenant General André Steur was born on 17 April 1970 in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. He started his military career in 1988 with a ...

    Publication | 14-04-2023