Royal Netherlands Marechaussee National Centre for Training and Expertise

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee has its own National Centre for Training and Expertise, where members of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee receive targeted training. Royal Netherlands Marechaussee members also complete follow-up courses to maintain their level of knowledge.

Royal Netherlands Marechaussee basic training

All members of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee first complete military training. Individuals who complete the basic training programme qualify as security guards and general investigating officers, and can advance to the rank of sergeant. The training prepares individuals to work in all fields in which the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee is active.

Royal Netherlands Marechaussee officers’ training

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee provides officers’ training in cooperation with the Netherlands Defence Academy.

Specialist training

The centre also provides specialist training, such as training to become a document specialist and training for the riot police and support units. In addition, the centre provides training for peacekeeping operations and refresher courses for the purpose of maintaining skill levels.