United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)

7 August 1956 - to date
Military personnel

In 1920, the League of Nations mandate over Palestine was assigned to Britain. Tensions in the area were considerable, because Jewish immigrants wanted to establish their own (Jewish) state in Palestine, a plan which was fiercely opposed by the indigenous Palestinian population.

Arab-Israeli truce

On 14 May 1948, one day before the British mandate over Palestine was due to expire, the Jewish National Council proclaimed the state of Israel, whereupon the neighbouring countries, united in the Arab League, launched an attack on the new state. Almost a year later Israel concluded a General Ceasefire Agreement with a neighbouring country. Agreements were reached in these accords about the course of the Israeli-Arab demarcation line and the setting up of mixed armistice commissions (MACs). Each of these commissions consisted of an equal number of representatives from Israel and one of its neighbouring countries, under the chairmanship of UNTSO's chief of staff or his designated representative. The chairman was supported by a team of unarmed military observers.

Tasks of the MACs

The main tasks of the MACs are:

  • to investigate complaints about the application or violation of the General Ceasefire Agreements;
  • to assist in the implementation of the peace agreements;
  • and, where necessary, report to both parties any activities observed along the ceasefire boundaries.

Other tasks

The observers also man observation posts, conduct patrols and attend the MAC meetings. They also play a part in the exchange of POWs or the dead, and in returning lost livestock. If required, they also help with any changes in the border or ceasefire line. Another task resulting from resolution 54 is to monitor observance of the ceasefire.

Observer groups

In the years following the Yom Kippur war (October 1973), the observers were incorporated in what were known as observer groups, each of which was under the operational control of one of the new peace missions:

  • United Nations Emergency Force II (UNEF-II, established in 1973);
  • United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF, established in 1973);
  • United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL, established in 1978).

Updated on 18 March 2010 (this description is a snapshot in time; recent information about this mission is not included).