Emergency assistance for Ethiopia: the Dutch contribution

Captain M.M. Boutier and Sergeant I.M.A.H. Schrover arrived in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababaon 8 January 1985. A few days later, they set off northwards towards Tigra, escorted by a security officer.

Multifunctional tents

With the help of some local labour, they sorted the tent equipment that had already arrived. The first 3 hospital tents were then taken to the North Ethiopian towns of Harboe and Jehwa and erected there. The tents were urgently needed. Dozens of people were dying every day because of the lack of sanitary facilities and the harsh weather conditions. The new tents provided shelter for the people, storage space for medical supplies and served as food distribution points.

Useful stay

All in all, the presence of the 2 Dutch soldiers was useful. More than 80% of the tents supplied by the Netherlands were erected while they were there and, with the help of their instructions, the Ethiopians were later able to erect the other 20% themselves. Captain Boutier and Sergeant 1st Class Schrover were in the mission area for 2 and 4 weeks respectively.