CSCE/OSCE in Moldova

16 May 1993 - 20 September 2004
Military personnel

In June 1990, the parliament of the Soviet Republic of Moldova, which was home not only to Moldovans but also to small Ukrainian and Russian minorities, proclaimed the state a sovereign republic.

Clashes between Moldovans and Russians

In response, in September 1990, the Russian minority proclaimed the area east of the Dniestr River an independent republic linked to the Russian Federation called Transdniestr. Armed clashes broke out between Moldovans and Russians and a ceasefire was declared on 23 July 1992.

Peace force

A peace force consisting of military personnel from Moldova, Transdniestr, Ukraine and Russia was sent to a demilitarised zone on both banks of the Dniestr to monitor observance of that ceasefire. The parties asked the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, which became the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OSCE, in December 1994) to mediate, and the CSCE decided on 4 February 1993 to send a mission to Moldova.