The Dutch contribution to United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

On 13 February 1998, the Dutch government offered 3 platoons and several staff officers – 100 military personnel altogether – for a period of 3 years. 2 of the 3 platoons were placed under the command of the British commander of Sector II on 8 and 9 June.

They were stationed at the platoon sites Falcon and Liri, located respectively in the western and eastern part of the sector. The platoons’ tasks consist essentially of manning the observation posts and conducting patrols, on foot, by bicycle (all-terrain bikes) or in vehicles (Land Rovers).

The Dutch UNFICYP company's 3rd platoon was incorporated in the Mobile Force Reserve (MFR), under the command of the UNFICYP force commander. This unit was based at the former airport of Nicosia. The Sector II headquarters were based in hotel Ledra Palace in Nicosia. Several Dutch staff officers were also based here.


In June 1999, the platoon site Liri was exchanged for Bengal, as was Falcon in the western part of Sector II. Because the Netherlands thus occupied 2 of the 3 platoon sites in Sector II-West, it also supplied the sector's company headquarters. The British platoon at the Irish Bridge location was thus placed under Dutch command.

Area of responsibility

On 1 April 2001, the sector boundary between Bengal and Falcon shifted to the east. At the same time, Falcon Troop took over area responsibility from Irish Troop. In this way, the staff wanted to find out whether the British military personnel in Cyprus would be able to take over area responsibility themselves on 6 June 2001 after the Dutch had left.