Current missions

The Netherlands armed forces are taking part in several major and minor missions throughout the world.


The Netherlands contributes to various missions that are being conducted in Iraq. The objective is to strengthen the country’s security sector, in order to enable Iraq to resist the ISIS terrorist organisation and other threats.

Lithuania (eFP)

Defence is contributing to the enhanced Forward Presence, the reinforced NATO military presence in Lithuania. 270 Dutch military personnel are posted to a multinational battlegroup. The battalion that the Netherlands is part of is under German command and is stationed in Rukla. NATO decided to send extra military personnel to the eastern European border in response to the alarming actions by Russia. It is one of the ‘reassurance measures’ in place for the eastern European Allies.

Bahrein - Combined Maritime Forces

A total of 39 countries take part in the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) mission. CMF operates in the waters around the Arabian Peninsula. CMF:

  • combats extremism and terrorism;
  • combats piracy, smuggling and human trafficking;
  • improves maritime security and stability in the region in cooperation with local and other partners.

Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH)

The Royal Netherlands Navy is making a permanent contribution to the European-led Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH) mission in the form of 2 staff officers who are involved in intelligence and strategic communication.

The Netherlands is participating in the EMASOH mission for the international right of transit passage and is thereby supporting the international rule of law.

Gaza Strip - USSC

In the Gaza Strip, the Netherlands contributes to the United States Security Coordinator (USSC) mission, which is based in Ramallah on the West Bank. The programme seeks to improve the operation of the security services and the Presidential Guard of the Palestinian Authority.

Lebanon, Syria and Israel - UNTSO

The United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNTSO) monitors whether the agreed demarcation lines between Lebanon, Syria and Israel are being observed. UNTSO operates in the same area as UNDOF (United Nations Disengagement Observer Force) and, in southern Lebanon, as UNIFIL (United Nations International Force In Lebanon). The Netherlands supplies 12 military personnel for participation in this mission.