Education and research

The NLDA provides military education at academic level. The courses given at the NLDA bear comparison with courses given at civilian universities. In addition, the NLDA is the only military-scientific knowledge and research institute in the Netherlands. The NLDA’s scientific research is mainly Defence-oriented, with scores of scientific experts in the area of Defence contributing to improvements in military operations. The Netherlands Institute of Military History, as part of the NLDA, mainly focuses on historical scientific research.


The NLDA provides a wide range of courses. The level of pre-education determines which personnel are granted entry to training courses. The courses given at the NLDA are as follows:

Military Strategic Studies master’s degree (English);
• military-scientific training courses;
• short Officer training courses;
• specialist training courses;
• career training courses;
• post-academic training course for Military Legal Service in the armed forces.

Faculty of Military Sciences

The Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) is the Netherlands Defence organisation’s military-scientific knowledge and research institute. Scientific education cannot exist without independent, scientific research. The Faculty of Military Sciences of the NLDA conducts research in various fields.

Specialised in military subjects

The Faculty of Military Sciences is specialised in military subjects such as strategy, operations, defence economics, leadership and ethics. The faculty also focuses on civil-military cooperation and logistic and technical issues in the military field. The faculty works in close collaboration with civilian universities and knowledge institutes, such as the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research.