Documents - Notices to Mariners

47 downloads on Notices to Mariners

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  1. Block for chart 2716C - NtM 367/19

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 10-10-2019

  2. Block for chart 2716E - NtM 367/19

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 10-10-2019

  3. Block for chart 1633 - NtM 387/18

    Insert the accompanying block (blck_c1633_y2018_baz387). (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 08-11-2018

  4. Block for chart 1037 - NtM 285/18

    Insert the accompanying block (blck_c1037_y2018_baz285). (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 16-08-2018

  5. Block for chart 126 - NtM 186/18b

    Insert in position approx. 52-37.50 N 004-24.30 E. (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 17-05-2018

  6. Block for chart 126 - NtM 186/18a

    Insert in position approx. 52-38.90 N 004-42.60 E. (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 17-05-2018

  7. Block for chart 2110 - NtM 131/16

    Insert the accompanying block (blck_c2110_y2016_baz131.pdf). In position approx. 18-05,00 N 062-51,00 E. (Attention! Use the ...

    Publication | 31-03-2016