Arrangements for veterans
Veterans deserve our recognition and respect. The Netherlands owes them a debt of gratitude for their efforts and dedication. One of the ways in which the Netherlands shows its gratitude is by pursuing a policy focused on care, recognition and appreciation. The Defence organisation provides assistance in overcoming physical and/or mental complaints. Veterans are also entitled to the veterans pass and they may attend the annual Veterans Day. The Veterans Institute is responsible for all services to veterans and their immediate family and friends.
Veterans pass
Dutch veterans can apply for a veterans pass from the Veterans Institute. This pass is free of charge and entitles veterans to a great many facilities, including:
- a free subscription to the digital veterans magazine Checkpoint (in Dutch);
- the Veterans Insignia;
- various discounts and special offers from museums, travel organisations et cetera;
- free public transport 2 days per year to attend memorial services and open days organised by the armed forces.

Veterans Insignia
Veterans registered at the Veterans Institute are entitled to wear the Veterans Insignia. Those who are entitled to wear the insignia receive it automatically. It symbolises the public appreciation for the difficult and hazardous work they carried out during missions.
Silver Rose
On returning from their first mission abroad, each veteran is issued the Silver Rose. This symbol of recognition is intended for the one who meant most to the veteran during his or her deployment period. The veteran presents the Silver Rose to this person as a token of his or her appreciation.
Veterans Day
The National Veterans Day is a tribute to Dutch veterans. Social recognition and appreciation for veterans are central to this event. Every year, Veterans Day is held on the last Saturday of June. The main activities on Veterans Day take place in The Hague and include a march-past and a general gathering.
Veterans reunions
Military personnel develop a strong bond during active service. This bond is often retained, also after leaving the service. The Defence organisation enables these veterans to meet at reunions. To this end, Defence makes available funds.
Complaints and mediation for veterans
In the event of complaints concerning veterans care, veterans may lodge a complaint with the relevant care organisation. The complaint must concern veterans care or services.
Veterans may take up their complaint with the Inspector-General of the Armed Forces or the Veterans Ombudsman.