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  1. Amendment MilAIP 08/22, valid 11 August 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 08/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 21-06-2022

  2. Speech by Kajsa Ollongren, Netherlands Minister of Defence, at the reunion of Dutchbat III

    Speech | 18-06-2022

  3. Speech by Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the gathering of Dutchbat III veterans

    Speech | 18-06-2022

  4. Corporate video Royal Netherlands Marechaussee: Making the difference

    Corporate video about Royal Netherlands Marechaussee: Making the difference (June 2022).

    Video | 16-06-2022

  5. Amendment MilAIP 04/22, valid 21 April 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 04/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 01-06-2022

  6. Amendment MilAIP 07/22, valid 14 July 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 07/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 31-05-2022

  7. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee

    Leaflet of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee: 'Making the difference'.

    Leaflet | 10-05-2022

  8. Amendment MilAIP 06/22, valid 16 June 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 06/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 22-04-2022

  9. Ocean-going patrol vessel (OPV)

    The Holland-class ocean-going patrol vessels are flexible in their deployment and equipped for the surveillance of coastal ...

    Publication | 01-04-2022

  10. Amendment MilAIP 05/22, valid 29 May 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 05/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 30-03-2022