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  1. Curriculum Vitae Vice Admiral Boudewijn Boots

    Vice Admiral Boudewijn Boots (Veghel, 1964) trained as a helmsman in the merchant navy and joined the Royal Netherlands Navy in ...

    Publication | 10-03-2022

  2. Instruction how to use KML-files in Google Earth

    Instruction how to use KML-files in Google Earth. This manual can be used with the downloads maritme boundaries and zones in the ...

    Publication | 23-02-2022

  3. Speech by the Minister of Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, Ceremony on the 5th anniversary of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence

    Speech by the Minister of Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence ...

    Speech | 16-02-2022

  4. Amendment MilAIP 03/22, valid 24 March 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 03/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 01-02-2022

  5. Amendment MilAIP 02 22, valid 24 February 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 02/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 05-01-2022

  6. NLD-MAR 21 AMC & GM

    Acceptable means of compliance and guidance material for the certification of military aircraft and related products, parts and ...

    Publication | 20-12-2021

  7. NLD-MAR-21

    Certification of military aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, and military type certificate holder, design and ...

    Publication | 20-12-2021

  8. Amendment MilAIP 01/22, valid 22 January 2022

    Amendment MilAIP 01/22 is set out below. This is an amendment to the Military Aeronautical Information Publication (MilAIP).

    Publication | 14-12-2021

  9. MAA-NLD Form 300 Request for Organisation Accreditation

    Publication | 15-11-2021

  10. NLD-MAR Form 528 Application for Exemption

    NLD-MAR Form 528 Application for Exemption

    Publication | 04-11-2021