New contribution of military goods to Ukraine

The Netherlands is providing an additional contribution of military goods to Ukraine. The country made a request very recently, and the Netherlands agreed to fulfil the request. The contribution consists of 200 Stinger air defence missiles. Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren informed the Netherlands House of Representatives of this today.

Enlarge image Soldiers with a stinger.
Archive image: Military personnel with a Stinger.

The plan is to get the arms – intended for defence purposes – to Ukraine as quickly as possible. The intention is to improve the country’s ability to defend itself against Russia, which staged a large-scale attack early yesterday morning.

According to the minister's report to the House of Representatives, to fulfil the request a careful but (due to the circumstances) shortened assessment was conducted against the criteria for arms exports.

The Stinger is a portable weapon that is fired from the shoulder. Its main purpose is to protect objects and troops on the ground against aircraft and helicopters at a distance of 500 metres to 5 kilometres. With its infra-red target seeker head, a Stinger can independently track its target once it has been fired.

First shipment on its way

Yesterday evening, the first shipment of goods previously made available to Ukraine was sent on its way. The Netherlands, like other countries, is facing logistical challenges, which the allies are tackling together. The contributed goods include helmets, flak jackets and sniper rifles.

Exercise relocated to Romania

Because of the situation in Ukraine, a previously planned Royal Netherlands Army exercise has been moved from Germany to Romania. The exercise is due to start shortly. It is a contribution from the Netherlands Ministry of Defence to the forward presence of NATO in Romania. The decision was reached following a request from the Secretary-General of NATO.