A look at the Defence news 20 – 26 February
The Defence organisation is to contribute 230 military personnel to the EU's training mission European Union Military Assistance Mission Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine). The Dutch personnel will provide training to Ukrainian brigade and battalion staffs. The goal of EUMAM Ukraine is to train 30,000 Ukrainian military personnel this year. The government informed the House of Representatives to that effect this week.

King briefly 'one of the lads' in Lithuania
A CV90 infantry fighting vehicle in Lithuania launches an attack. It was only a training exercise, but one with a royal touch. Because King Willem-Alexander was on board. He had joined the exercises being conducted by the Dutch military personnel who are part of the enhanced Forward Presence in the Baltic state. The king was also updated on the latest developments.
Ollongren warns: with war in Ukraine, our freedom is also at stake
At an event organised by the Atlantische Commissie in The Hague, Netherlands Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren said that Ukraine's armed forces are holding their ground courageously, proudly and resolutely, adding that the Netherlands is fully behind them. In her speech, she went on to say that it now comes down to perseverance, acceleration and thinking ahead. Ollongren gave her speech before a room of some 300 students, scientists and other interested parties. The war in Ukraine, the future of European security and the role of the Netherlands were on the agenda.
Medical evacuation team back in the Netherlands after deployment in Turkey
A team of Royal Netherlands Air Force doctors and nurses has returned to the Netherlands on an RNLAF C-130 Hercules after just under 2 weeks of deployment in Turkey. The transport aircraft was used in Turkey to transport victims of the earthquakes and their families.