A look at the Defence news 8 - 14 May
HNLMS Van Amstel is specialised in anti-submarine warfare, with the crew deploying various sonar systems. Within NATO, the ship is 1 of the few frigates equipped with a combination of these specific systems. The ship played an important role in the anti-submarine warfare exercise Dynamic Mongoose, which was conducted between Norway and Iceland during the first week of May.

Later that week, the crew of the Van Amstel also joined search and rescue operation training in Iceland, which was conducted in arctic conditions.
Military personnel prepared for hurricane season
When natural disasters strike in the Caribbean, it is vital that adequate assistance is provided as soon as possible. That is why last week, on the island of Sint Maarten, around 300 Dutch military personnel prepared for the hurricane season, which keeps the Leeward Islands in its grip from June until November.
General Eichelsheim calls for further cooperation with France
Netherlands Chief of Defence, General Onno Eichelsheim has been appointed Commodore in the French Legion of Honour. He was awarded this honour for his contribution to French-Dutch cooperation and his efforts in terms of collective security. In his word of thanks, General Eichelsheim said that he wishes to further intensify the cooperation with France.
50 years of minehunting by NATO fleet
Last week, Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 celebrated its 50th anniversary. The Netherlands has been part of this permanent task group for minehunting since its inception. NATO commemorated this golden jubilee in the Lithuanian capital of Riga. The Royal Netherlands Navy was represented by its former commanders of the SNMCMG1 fleet.
A dozen F-35s active over Scandinavia
Last week, 12 F-35 fighter aircraft of the Royal Netherlands Air Force landed at Ørland Airport in Norway for a 2-week exercise with the Norwegian Air Force. This will be followed by a large international exercise above Scandinavia.
More prominent role for Woensdrecht Air Base in F-35 programme logistics
The role of Woensdrecht Air Base within the international F-35 programme is increasing. On 11 April, Netherlands and the United States signed a Status of Forces Agreement, which will also improve the position of the Dutch industry that conducts maintenance on the aircraft.