A look at the Defence news 6 - 12 May
HNLMS Karel Doorman resumes journey to the Red Sea
HNLMS Karel Doorman is once again on its way to the Red Sea to take part in Operation Aspides. The ship was experiencing technical problems with one of its weapons systems; these problems have now been solved. The logistics support and supply ship was delayed by a few days, but is now fully operational again.

Netherlands extends its contribution to NATO force in Lithuania for two years
The Netherlands will continue to supply troops to the NATO force in Lithuania until at least the end of 2026 as part of the effort to deter Russia. Netherlands Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren informed the House of Representatives accordingly by letter last week. The maximum number of Dutch military personnel participating in the enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) mission remains at 350.
Dutch F-35s to contribute to NATO airspace surveillance
At the end of this year, the Netherlands will contribute to NATO air space surveillance and security from air bases in Estonia. To this end, the Defence organisation will send up to 10 F-35 fighter aircraft and about 90 to 150 military personnel to the Baltic State. Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren informed the House of Representatives accordingly last week.
Message on EU Day: ‘EU and Defence can do more for each other’
The EU has great ambitions in the area of security and military cooperation. This provides opportunities for Defence, such as participation in a larger number of military operations. That was the message delivered by the Director General of the European Union Military Staff, Lieutenant General Michiel van der Laan. Lieutenant General van der Laan spoke at a meeting on the occasion of EU day on 8 May, which was attended by 100 senior civil servants from Defence and other ministries.