A look at the Defence news 16 – 22 September

“Eighty years ago, during Europe’s dark hours, allied troops brought the dawn of freedom with them. Light returned to the Netherlands.” Netherlands Minister of Defence, Ruben Brekelmans, spoke these words during the commemoration of Operation Market Garden on Ginkel Heath near the town of Ede. “Today, we celebrate our collective freedom and remember the enormous collective effort that was made to achieve it.”

Enlarge image Parachutists land on de heather.
There were a lot of people watching the parachutists at the memorial.

For the Minister, the story of Lieutenant Dermod Greene Anderson symbolized the dangers allied forces faced 80 years ago. The British soldier was killed by an enemy shell that exploded near his trench, and his remains were discovered only recently. “Like Lieutenant Anderson, there were hundreds of thousands of ordinary men and women, with extraordinary courage. He can be seen as a symbol of a generation,” the Minister said.

British soldiers laid to rest with full military honours after 80 years

Exactly 80 years after they went missing, Lieutenant Dermod Anderson and Private Henry Moon were reburied last week at the Airborne cemetery in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. The two British soldiers went missing during Operation Market Garden in 1944. Their remains were found and recovered at the former battlefield, and then identified by the Royal Netherlands Army Recovery and Identification Service.

Veterans visit to military academy marks 80 years of freedom

Last week, eight Second World War veterans visited the Netherlands Defence Academy in Breda. In addition to three Dutch veterans, the group comprised Americans, Brits, Canadians and Poles. The visit marked 80 years of freedom. Both this year and next, the Netherlands will commemorate the end of the Second World War extensively.

Recovery of Vickers Wellington bomber completed

The recovery of Vickers Wellington HE346 in the town of Holwert, in the province of Friesland, has been completed. The most important aspect was the discovery of human remains on 13 September. In addition, since the start of the recovery operations on 29 July, personal items were found, such as a small amount of aviator equipment, an airman’s leather cap and an oxygen mask. Both aircraft engines were also found, as well as the landing gear, the turret, a dinghy, radio components and remnants of ammunition.

Military mobility: Netherlands ensures German convoy runs smoothly

On 18 September, 27 German vehicles drove in a military convoy from Vlissingen to Poland in a corridor test initiated by NATO. During the movement, laws, regulations, procedures and facilities were tested. The Netherlands provided host nation support along the Dutch part of the route. 

Navy ship forces two drug transports to stop within three hours

For the third week in a row, HNLMS Holland intercepted drugs transports in fast boats in the Caribbean. This time around, there were two interceptions, both near the ABC Islands. Seven suspects were arrested and approximately 1,800 kilos of cocaine were seized.

Cyber exercise: defence teams from around the world attack each other's networks

Last month, hackers from the Netherlands and foreign countries competed with each other for two weeks at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. Defence Cyber Command organised the annual Computer Assisted Exercise (CAX) Cybernet, which was attended by participants from defence organisations, but also from national and civilian organisations in the security domain. During the exercise, they attacked each other’s networks and defended their own in an enclosed environment.

OSCE representatives at Leeuwarden Air Base and with marines in Doorn

85 representatives of countries affiliated with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) visited military locations in the Netherlands. The 57 member states are united in the OSCE to increase the transparency of military organizations in Europe. Furthermore, it is about promoting mutual trust and international stability. The

Vienna Document 2011 obliges all 57 OSCE countries to organize two visits for partner countries to their armed forces once every 5 years. This time Leeuwarden Air Base and the Marine Barracks in Doorn were on the agenda. It was part of visits to the Benelux. The last OSCE-edition for this country trio dates from 2019.

Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces Vice Admiral Boudewijn Boots was responsible for receiving the foreign guests on September 22 (see his speech). Due to the war in Ukraine, this time without representatives from Russia and Belarus.