A look at the Defence news 4 - 10 November
Delivery of 12 special operations helicopters laid down in contract
As from 2030, the Defence organisation will have 12 H225M Caracal helicopters at its disposal. The final deliveries will be made in 2032. This was laid down last week in a contract with manufacturer Airbus Helicopters. While being specifically equipped for special operations, the Caracals can, of course, also be deployed in regular land and maritime operations. These new helicopters will replace the Cougar transport helicopters.

Security of Defence organisation’s fibre-optic network has top priority
Following a report presented by the Netherlands Court of Audit to the House of Representatives, the Defence organisation is taking steps to improve the physical security of the critical NAFIN (Netherlands Armed Forces Integrated Network) fibre-optic network. According to the Netherlands Court of Audit, NAFIN is technically well-designed but, in practice, its physical security is weak. Apart from the Defence organisation, the entire network of ministries and High Councils of State are connected to NAFIN, as are the police and the emergency control rooms (112 call centres).