Articles about hydrography
Staff members of the Hydrographic Service regularly write articles for journals. Some of the articles can be found on the internet. The rest is available as a download below.
Articles on the internet, or available for download (PDF)
- Bathymetry as a keystone for the blue economy of the Netherlands: the implementation of INSPIRE at the Netherlands Hydrographic Service. Leendert Dorst, Charles de Jongh and George Spoelstra, in: Proceedings of Hydro17: Connecting 4D future, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, (November 2017).
- Hydrographic Elements of INSPIRE. Ellen Vos, in: Hydro International (September 2014).
- GNSS Based Hydrographic Surveying: clear advantages and hidden obstacles. Thijs Ligteringen, John Loog, Leendert Dorst. ENC GNSS 2014 conference (April 2014).
- Help, my ECDIS has double vision'. Arno Meurink, in: eNav International (January 2014). Arno Meurink, in: eNav International (January 2014).
- Developments in North Sea wide resurveying and charting of dynamic sand wave areas. L. Dorst, T. Dehling, C. Howlett. Marine and River Dune Dynamics (15 and 16 April 2013).
- Lowest Astronomical Tide in the North Sea derived from a vertically referenced shallow water model, and an assessment of its suggested sense of safety. Cornelis Slobbe, Roland Klees, Martin Verlaan, Leendert Dorst, Herman Gerritsen, in: Proceedings of Hydro12, Taking care of the sea (November 2012).
- Quantified sea-bed dynamics of the Netherlands Continental Shelf and the Wadden Sea: a morphological and sedimentological approach. Thaienne van Dijk, Sytze van Heteren, Marco Kleuskens, Laura Vonhogen-Peeters, Pieter Doornenbal, Ad van der Spek, Bob Hoogendoorn, Leendert Dorst, David Rodriguez Aguilera, in: Proceedings of Hydro12, Taking care of the sea (November 2012).
- Accurate water levels using PREMO: Tool for reduction of hydrographic measurements. Micheline Hounjet, Arnout Bijlsma, Martin Verlaan and Leendert Dorst, in: Proceedings of Hydro12, Taking care of the sea (November 2012).
- Recent changes in the Dutch baseline: the inseparable connection of human activities and natural processes. Leendert Dorst, Alex Oude Elferink, Thijs Ligteringen (24 September 2012).
- Safe navigation with uncertain hydrographic data. L. Dorst and C. Howlett, in: Hydro International (June 2012).
- How does inertial navigation work?. Leendert Dorst, in: Hydro International (February 2011).
- An algorithmic solution to the randomness of equitable boundary lines. Leendert Dorst, in: Proceedings of the sixth ABLOS conference (October 2010).
- Unifying vertical reference surfaces in the North Sea, an overview of developments. Leendert Dorst, Cornelis Slobbe, Roland Klees, Martin Verlaan, Thijs Ligteringen (17 September 2010).
- Grenzen op zee schuiven op door zeebodemdynamiek. Leendert Dorst, in: Nieuwsbrief Integraal Beheer Noordzee (1 December 2008).
- The effect of changing baselines on the limits of the Netherlands in the North Sea. Leendert Dorst, Ina Elema, in: Proceedings of the fifth ABLOS conference (October 2008).
- Hydrografische kaarten van de Noordzee komen van de Dienst der Hydrografie. I.A. Elema, J. Schaap, in: Nieuwsbrief Integraal Beheer Noordzee (1 July 2007).
- Het gebruik van coördinatenstelsels op zee. L.L. Dorst and M.C. Kwanten, in: Geo-Info (1 October 2006).
- Governing the North Sea in the Netherlands. Ina Elema, Michael Barry, Paul van der Molen, in: Administering Marine Spaces, International Issues, FIG publication no. 36 (1 July 2006).
- De militaire dimensie van hydrografie. KTZ R. van Rooijen, in: Marineblad (1 May 2004).
- Ocean governance and the marine cadastre, the Netherlands North Sea. Ina Elema, Michael Barry and Paul van der Molen, in: Proceedings of the third ABLOS conference (1 October 2003).
- Tidal reduction on Fairsheet level. H.A. Versteeg, in: Hydro International (1 September 2000).
- The accuracy of the depth information of the nautical chart. P.J. Velberg, in: The Hydrographic Journal (1 April 1993).
- Area computation of a polygon on an ellipsoid. I. Gillissen, in: Survey review (1 April 1993).
- Area computations of polygons. W.A. van Gein and I. Gillissen, in: International Hydrographic Review (1 March 1993).
- National Jurisdiction over Offshore Areas. W. Langeraar, in: the Hydrographic Journal (1 January 1989).
- Delimitation of Continental Shelf Areas: a New Approach. W. Langeraar, in: Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce (1 July 1986).
- Maritime Delimitation, the Equiratio Method, a New Approach. W. Langeraar, in: Marine Policy (1 January 1986).
- Equitable Apportionment of Maritime Areas through the Equiratio Method. W. Langeraar, in: the Hydrographic Journal (1 April 1985).
- Sand waves in the North Sea. W. Langeraar, in: Hydrographic Newsletter 1(5), pp. 243-246, 1966.