Documents - Hydrography
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Review product portfolio Hydrographic Service
In this publication you can read about the changes the Hydrographic Service will be making to its portfolio of nautical charts.
Chart Datum (CD) is the plane of reference to which all charted depths and drying heights are related. In the Netherlands ...
Block for chart 1014 - NtM 66/20
(Attention! Use the proper printer settings).
With the program Decca, you can convert between Decca lane counts and geographic or UTM coordinates. Calculations can be made in ...
TSP 3.4.1.
The program TSP simplifies the maritime limits and zones available for download on our website. The program reduces the number of ...
CNAV 4.1
With the program CNAV 4.1, you can make quick and accurate calculations for traditional navigation. This includes calculations of ...
Article: Bathymetry as a keystone for the blue economy of the Netherlands
Article from Proceedings of Hydro17: "Connecting 4D future": Bathymetry as a keystone for the blue economy of the Netherlands: ...
Block for chart 2110 - NtM 131/16
Insert the accompanying block (blck_c2110_y2016_baz131.pdf). In position approx. 18-05,00 N 062-51,00 E. (Attention! Use the ...
Transformation parameters for the Caribbean islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Horizontal positions at sea are often expressed in longitudes and latitudes. They are based on coordinate reference systems, also ...
Article: GNSS Based Hydrographic Surveying conference 2014
Article GNSS 2014 conference: GNSS Based Hydrographic Surveying: clear advantages and hidden obstacles. Thijs Ligteringen MSc., ...