Documents - Hydrography

75 downloads on Hydrography

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  1. Block for chart 1801.4 - NtM 358/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 24-10-2024

  2. Block for chart 116 - NtM 358/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 24-10-2024

  3. Download Cumulative list

    List of Notices to Mariners applicable to the latest editions of the charts. Temporary and preliminary notices are not included ...

    Publication | 24-10-2024

  4. Download Measuring instruments list

    Summary of temporary measuring instruments in Dutch coastal waters, Dutch inland waters and adjacent foreign waters. Shipping is ...

    Publication | 24-10-2024

  5. Download P and T Notices to Mariners

    Weekly summary of preliminary (P) and temporary (T) Notices to Mariners in force for Dutch charts.

    Publication | 24-10-2024

  6. Editions in force and editions to be published list

    List of charts and nautical publications in force. In the third column of this list the most recent edition date of ...

    Publication | 26-09-2024

  7. Online availability of data from the Hydrographic Service

    This memo explains the options for viewing and downloading Hydrographic Service data online.

    Publication | 25-07-2024

  8. HP2A - List of Lights of the Netherlands and adjacent areas

    The List of Lights provides an overview of coastal lights and fog signals, including separate chapters about AIS-beacons and ...

    Publication | 11-07-2024

  9. Block for chart 1631 - NtM 194/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 13-06-2024

  10. Block for chart 1812.8 - NtM 184/24

    (Attention! Use the proper printer settings).

    Publication | 06-06-2024