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  1. A look at the Defence news 24 – 30 April

    The 125 Dutch military personnel guarding Erbil International Airport in Iraq will be returning home as their task has come to an ...

    News item | 03-05-2023 | 15:26

  2. A look at the Defence news 17 – 23 April

    China after knowledge and goods of the Dutch space sector China is making efforts to secure knowledge and goods of the Dutch ...

    News item | 25-04-2023 | 16:52

  3. Netherlands to purchase Leopard 2 tanks for Ukraine

    Together with Denmark, the Netherlands is to purchase 14 Leopard 2 A4 tanks for Ukraine. These main battle tanks will be ...

    News item | 20-04-2023 | 11:09

  4. A look at the Defence news 10 – 16 April

    The Quick Reaction Alert task is back in Dutch hands. This means that over the coming months fighter aircraft of the Royal ...

    News item | 19-04-2023 | 00:00

  5. Defence to publish more information about deliveries to Ukraine

    The Netherlands Ministry of Defence will henceforth publish more information about military deliveries to Ukraine. Minister of ...

    News item | 13-04-2023 | 15:36

  6. A look at the Defence news 3 – 9 April

    On 2 April, Captain Leo Hendrikx (ret'd) passed away at the age of 99. Leo was one of the last Engelandvaarders still alive.

    News item | 12-04-2023 | 16:49

  7. Netherlands to deploy 150 service members to the Balkans

    The Netherlands will deploy a maximum of 150 members of the Marine Corps to Bosnia and Herzegovina for 1 year. In addition, a ...

    News item | 06-04-2023 | 12:48

  8. A look at the Defence news 27 March - 2 April

    The first new mine countermeasures vessel, the result of a bi-national project with Belgium, was launched last week. During the ...

    News item | 05-04-2023 | 17:00

  9. 13 Light Armoured Brigade completes integration between Dutch combat brigades and German divisions

    At the military ceremony to integrate the Dutch 13 Light Armoured Brigade and the German 10th Panzerdivision, Netherlands ...

    News item | 30-03-2023 | 19:11

  10. A look at the Defence news 20 – 26 March

    The EU has reached an agreement for the collaborative procurement of ammunition for Ukraine. The ministers of Foreign Affairs and ...

    News item | 29-03-2023 | 15:30