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  1. DISS: Russian threat puts security of Europe and the Netherlands at risk

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is having terrible effects on the Ukrainian people and has drastically affected the security ...

    News item | 28-04-2022 | 12:06

  2. A look at the Defence news 11 – 18 April

    The 3rd and last column of the Patriot fire unit that left for Slovakia on 14 April arrived at its destination on 17 April. The ...

    News item | 21-04-2022 | 09:37

  3. Army personnel to Romania for NATO

    The Netherlands will contribute approximately 200 military personnel to a NATO battle group in Romania. The expectation is that ...

    News item | 20-04-2022 | 11:29

  4. A look at the Defence news 4 – 10 April

    On 4 April, the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam was illuminated in NATO colours. This was the Netherlands’ way to mark the founding ...

    News item | 13-04-2022 | 14:30

  5. Army unit for EU rapid intervention capability in 2025

    In 2025, the Netherlands will provide an army unit for the EU’s Rapid Deployment Capacity. This unit will consist of 150 troops, ...

    News item | 06-04-2022 | 17:00

  6. A look at the Defence news 28 March - 3 April

    The Netherlands has now sent more than € 50 million worth of military goods to Ukraine. This also included weapons. Minister ...

    News item | 06-04-2022 | 15:15

  7. NATO united and resolute in its determination: support for Ukraine, pressure on Putin and prepared to defend treaty area

    The pressure on President Putin of Russia to stop the war in Ukraine remains high. The war was the reason for this extraordinary ...

    News item | 24-03-2022 | 18:00

  8. Professor of War Studies Osinga: ‘Russia is deviating from its own doctrine in Ukraine’

    The war in Ukraine is being fought in a way that no one had expected. Why is Russia making so little progress despite its ...

    News item | 23-03-2022 | 17:00

  9. Rutte visits Dutch military personnel in Lithuania

    Dutch military personnel in Lithuania received a visit from Prime Minister Mark Rutte today. He not only visited the Baltic ...

    News item | 21-03-2022 | 17:01

  10. Patriot air defence system stationed in Slovakia

    At the request of NATO, Germany and the Netherlands are deploying Patriot air defence systems near the Sliac air force base in ...

    News item | 18-03-2022 | 15:08